The post office plan is viewed as better as far as security is. There are numerous plans in this where one can likewise get extraordinary returns. One of these is Public Provident Fund Scheme ie PPF. By putting Rs 100 every day in this plan, you can get a measure of in excess of 9 lakhs. In this arrangement with a residency of 15 years, you will likewise get the advantage of numerous different offices including taking an advance. 

These post office plan plans are protected and hazard-free, however, they likewise surrender gets back to twofold when contrasted with bank stores. As of now, a financing cost of 7.1 percent is being given on PPF. The public authority transforms it occasionally. Under this plan, you can store any most extreme sum in a monetary year. Nonetheless, you will get exclusion under Section 80C of Income Tax up to a limit of Rs 1.5 lakh. 

Advantages Of The Plan 

1. You get the office of credit against PPF. From the monetary year from which you begin contributing, you get credit office from the following monetary year. You can take this advantage for a time of five years. The advance sum is accessible up to 25 percent of the sum kept in the record. Advance can be required just a single time in a year. 

2. This plan has a lock-in time of five years. After this, cash can be removed once in a monetary year. This can be up to 50 percent of the sum stored in your record. 

3. In the event that the record holder turns out to be sick or needs cash for the advanced education of self or kids, then, at that point the record holder can exploit the office of untimely conclusion. In any case, a few charges will be deducted during this period. 

4. Interest pay on development will be totally tax-exempt. Its development period is 15 years. On the off chance that you need it, you can expand it further for a very long time.

Image Credit: ZFunds
