Considering the two-day strike on December 16-17 called for by the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), aside from State Bank of India (SBI), three additional banks — Punjab National Bank, Central Bank of India, and RBL Bank, have said their tasks will be impacted because of the equivalent. “While Bank has made all courses of action to guarantee typical working in its branches and workplaces, all things considered, work in our Bank might be affected by the strike,” PNB said in an assertion to the stock trades.

National Bank of India said it’s making all fundamental strides as far as the current rules to manage the strike and for the smooth working of its branches and workplaces. “Be that as it may, in case of strike branches or workplaces might be affected,” it said.

RBL Bank said its workers related to the fighting associations might partake in the strike, which is at the business level and is no place identified with Bank-level issues. “The bank will make all vital strides for the smooth working of the Bank’s Branches/Offices on the times of strike. Nonetheless, all things considered, a portion of our branches would likewise be affected by the strike, on the off chance that it emerges,” RBL Bank said.

The State Bank of India (SBI) had prior said its typical working is probably going to be affected because of the proposed two-day strike. SBI likewise expressed that it has made essential plans to guarantee ordinary working at its branches during the strike, as per the report added. The bank associations have required a two-day strike this week to challenge the public authority’s arrangement to privatize public area banks. Sanjay Das, general secretary of All India Bank Officers Confederation (AIBOC), told news organization PTI that privatizing PSBs will hurt the need areas of the economy and furthermore credit stream to self-improvement gatherings and the provincial economy.

Image Credit: DBP News
