Assuming you need to profit from the advantage of tax assumption then you can put resources into Public Provident Fund (PPF) with India Post. India Post as of late tweeted, “Put resources into Public Provident Fund (PPF) with India Post to profit the advantage of assessment exception.” 

Here is all you need to think about Public Provident Fund (PPF):

1. Who can open it? 

A solitary grown-up who is an Indian occupant, a gatekeeper for the benefit of minors, can open a PPF account with India Post. Notwithstanding, it should be noticed that just one record can be opened the whole way across the country either in Post Office or any Bank. 

2. Deposit

The least store is Rs 500 in a Financial Year and the Maximum store is Rs 1.50 lakh in an FY. The greatest constraint of Rs 1.50 lakh will be comprehensive of the stores made in his/her own record and in the record opened for the benefit of minors. The sum can be saved in quite a few portions in an FY in numerous of Rs 50 and greatest up to Rs 1.50 lakh. 

3. Time being suspension of account

On the off chance that in any monetary year, the least store of Rs 500 isn’t made, the said PPF account will become stopped. The advance/withdrawal office isn’t accessible on suspended records. Be that as it may, the suspended record can be resuscitated by the contributor before the development of the record. 

4. Interest 

Interest will be pertinent as informed by the Ministry of Finance on a quarterly premise. The interest will be determined for the scheduled month on the most minimal equilibrium in the record between the end of the fifth day and the month’s end. Premium acquired is tax-exempt under Income Tax Act. 

5. Withdrawal 

A supporter can require 1 withdrawal during a monetary following five years barring the year of record opening. The measure of withdrawal can be taken up to half of the equilibrium at the credit toward the finish of fourth going before a year or toward the finish of going before year, whichever is lower. 

6. Development 

Record development is after 15 F.Y. a long-time barring FY of record opening. On development investor has the numerous choices from obstructing the record, to stretch out for more 5 years and some more. 

7. Untimely closure 

The untimely conclusion will be permitted following a long time from the year’s end wherein the record was opened subject to certain conditions. 

At the hour of untimely conclusion, 1% premium will be deducted from the date of record opening/date of expansion all things considered.

Image Credit: DNA India