
Benefits and Types of Motor Insurance

Benefits and Types of Motor Insurance

Usually, people are aware of motor insurance, but not everyone knows how much it is. Motor insurance has a variety of coverage that comes for two-wheelers, cars, trucks, and other vehicles. According to the rules, it is mandatory to take insurance for every vehicle...

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Why is life insurance necessary?

Why is life insurance necessary?

Life insurance has a particular purpose. It provides financial protection to a person's family from untimely death. In India, people still feel hesitant about life insurance. There is a lack of awareness about this. Today, a large number of people do not have life...

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Learn how to invest in liquid mutual funds

Learn how to invest in liquid mutual funds

Liquid funds are the schemes of mutual funds that invest in money market securities. Usually, the maturity period of these securities is 91 days or less. These funds offer the option of safe investments. These can be invested in short-term targets. Many investors use...

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