RBI new gold loan guidelines: Users can take more loan against gold

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced a relaxation on Thursday in the gold loan guidelines. Now banks will be able to give more loans in lieu of jewelry. Briefing the key decisions taken at the Ce

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Benefits and risks of investing money in Mutual Funds

The acquisition of riskless income for any investor is his first and for-the-main objective. In such a way, someone should be aware of the following benefits for investing in the Funds Mutual Fund:

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Not getting a loan even after having a good credit score? Know here why?

A credit score means a lot while taking a loan. With a good credit score, the loan is quickly found, and the interest rate is likely to remain low, but sometimes the loan is not found despite a good c

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What is Mutual Fund, and how it works? Types and investment scheme of it

Everyone saves money for their future and wants to invest that money so that their money or property will increase over time. Mutual Funds are a very good way for those who are afraid of the risk of S

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What is a premature closing process of the PPF account? How to make a partial withdrawal

Public Provident Fund (PPF) savings scheme is a better investment instrument that gives investors a chance to make money on long term investments. Interest on PPF schemes is paid by the government eve

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How small savings habit can be beneficial for future investment

Some people save, and many are not able to do so. It has nothing to do with investment. Many people do something else or not, but do it with the savings rule. Many have nothing to do with any such rul

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What is Digital Gold? Know here how to buy and benefits of it

2020 has been a tough time for the stock market, economy, and investments. But there are also some things that have provided outstanding returns to investors. One of them is digital gold. Who has give

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Bank Fixed Deposit Vs. Post Office Time Deposit: Which is better, and why?

Most people prefer a fixed Deposit. FD people also like it because it is considered risk free. At present, post Office time deposits besides bank fixed deposits are also a good option for investment.

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