Many times, suddenly, money is needed, so a personal loan can be worked out. Through this loan, you can take a large amount of debt that will help you to meet your financial needs immediately in time. Personal loan interest rates are higher than other loans, as it is a risky loan. So, when there is a need for cash, you should go for a personal loan. However, you should also know how to check the status of a personal loan when you apply for a personal loan. For this loan, the person has to inform about his income, credit history, repayment capacity, and his employment history, etc. The loan tenure may vary from one to five years.

However, there are many conditions for this loan, first of all, that your credit score for a personal loan should be good. The amount of money you will get as a personal loan depends on income, credit report, ability to repay loans, and some other factors.


Banks have different eligibility rules for personal loans. You can visit the bank’s website for information. It also meets the people who get the loan salary as well as self-employment.


New salary slips for personal loans or recent income tax return deposit slips are the necessary documents for this. Its income proof is the most important document. In addition, address certificates, Aadhaar cards, passports, pan cards, driving licenses are also required.

Keep in mind some important things when you apply for a personal loan:

Evaluate how much amount you need, then apply. Also, take care of any existing debit or credit card dues that you are paying at the present time. This will determine the EMI you take to repay monthly. If you are opting for a loan from your own bank, it will be easier to apply for a loan through the bank’s mobile app or internet banking.

Track Online Status:

You can easily track your loan status online by sitting at home. You only have to open the website of the concerned bank and enter the application reference number, mobile number, date of birth, and name. After entering the detail, you can see your loan status.

Check offline:

People can go to the bank branch to find out the loan status. Go to the bank branch and inquire about the loan. You have to take your identity proof with you, and you should also have a reference number.

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Image credit: theverge
