Bank representatives the nation over are on a two-day strike beginning from today (December 16). Banks will stay shut during the two-day strike on December 16 (Thursday) and December 17 (Friday). In certain places of the nation, banks will stay shut for four days in a row from December 16 to December 19. For example, on Saturday (December 18), banks will stay shut in Shillong on the Death Anniversary of U SoSo Tham.

Why bank representatives are on a strike?

The two-day strike was called by the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), an umbrella assortment of 9 bank associations, to challenge the proposed privatization of banks. Recently on December 1, worker’s organizations had started a dissent crusade ‘Bank Bachao, Desh Bachao’ at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on December 1

Sanjay Das, general secretary of All India Bank Officers Confederation (AIBOC), had told news office PTI that other than the two-day strike, a progression of other agitational projects will be held assuming the public authority doesn’t surrender the possibility of privatization of the banks.

How might banking administrations stay affected?

In excess of 60,000 bank representatives of different state-possessed and private banks in India are taking an interest in the bank strike to flaunt their difference against the public authority’s arrangements of privatizing public area banks.

Associations guaranteed that around nine lakh workers of state-run banks are noticing strike the nation over. UFBU’s Convenor (Maharashtra) Devidas Tuljapurkar said that public area banks are on the bleeding edge in carrying out all administration plans, for example, Jan-Dhan Yojana, social area protection plan, and Mudra plans implied for the financially and socially in reverse areas of the general public.

Subsequently, all open area banks including the State Bank of India (SBI) have cautioned clients of the conceivable suspension of banking administrations temporarily period. Then again, Canara Bank, PNB, Punjab, and Sind Bank had connected with bank associations mentioning them to cancel the strike, as it’ll affect everyday activities.

Image Credit: The Hindu
